ðŸŽŊSuspect Interactions

Here are examples of how to use every interaction with suspects

Fine Suspect

  • You need to be set the police job

Search Suspect

  • You need to be set the police job

  • You need to be armed

  • The target needs to have hands up

Handcuff Suspect

  • You need to be set the police job

  • You need to have the item handcuffs or the one set in Config.ItemCuffs

  • The target needs to have hands up

Uncuff Suspect

  • You need to be set the police job

  • The target needs to be handcuffed

Drag Suspect

  • You need to be set the police job

  • The target needs to be handcuffed

Put Suspect In Vehicle

  • You need to be set the police job

  • The target needs to be handcuffed

  • The target needs to be near a vehicle

Get Suspect Out From Vehicle

  • You need to be set the police job

  • The suspect needs to be in the vehicle

Arrest Suspect

  • You need to be set the police job

  • The target needs to be uncuffed

  • The target needs to have hands up

  • Both of you needs to be in the police station

Last updated