

Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.Target = nil               -- only supporting ox_target and qb-target | nil to disable targeting
Config.SpawnDelay = 1             -- seconds [how much time it should take between spawning animals]
Config.DeleteEntityRadius = 300.0 -- will delete animal if your 400 meters away from them

Config.TrackerItem = "animal_tracker"
Config.TrackingDuration = 60      -- seconds
Config.DelayBetweenTracks = 120   -- seconds
Config.TrackingFailureChance = 20 -- [1 - 100]

Config.AimBlock = {
    enable = true,
    global = true,     -- false if you want to have aimblock only in hunting zones
    weaponsToBlock = { -- weapons that are disabled to shoot at players

Config.BaitItem = "huntingbait"
Config.BaitAttractionDistance = 100.0 -- in 200 radius it will atract an animal
Config.BaitTimeLimit = 2              -- minutes

Config.ImagesPath = "nui://ars_hunting/_icons/"

-- _____                           __  _
-- / ____|                         / _| (_)
-- | |      __ _  _ __ ___   _ __  | |_  _  _ __  ___
-- | |     / _` || '_ ` _ \ | '_ \ |  _|| || '__|/ _ \
-- | |____| (_| || | | | | || |_) || |  | || |  |  __/
-- \_____|\__,_||_| |_| |_|| .__/ |_|  |_||_|   \___|
--                         | |
--                         |_|

Config.Campfire = {
    enable = true,
    campfireItem = "campfire",
    items = {
            label = "Cooked meat",
            give = "cooked_meat",
            cookTime = 5, -- seconds
            require = {
                    label = "Raw Meat",
                    quantity = 1,
                    item = "raw_meat",

-- _    _                _    _                  ______
-- | |  | |              | |  (_)                |___  /
-- | |__| | _   _  _ __  | |_  _  _ __    __ _      / /  ___   _ __    ___  ___
-- |  __  || | | || '_ \ | __|| || '_ \  / _` |    / /  / _ \ | '_ \  / _ \/ __|
-- | |  | || |_| || | | || |_ | || | | || (_| |   / /__| (_) || | | ||  __/\__ \
-- |_|  |_| \__,_||_| |_| \__||_||_| |_| \__, |  /_____|\___/ |_| |_| \___||___/
--                                        __/ |
--                                       |___/

Config.HuntingZones = {
        coords = vec3(1125.88, 4622.2, 80.08),
        radius = 200.0,
        maxSpawns = 5,                                                  -- max animals spawned at one time
        allowedWeapons = { "WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2", "WEAPON_DAGGER" }, -- nil if you want to allow every weapon
        zone_radius = {
            enable = true,
            color = 1,
            opacity = 128,
        blip = {
            enable = true,
            name = 'Hunting Zone',
            type = 141,
            scale = 1.0,
            color = 0,
        animals = {
                model = "a_c_deer",
                chance = 80, -- chance of spawning
                harvestTime = 5,
                harvestWeapons = { "WEAPON_DAGGER" },
                blip = {
                    enable = true,
                    name = 'Deer',
                    type = 119,
                    scale = 0.8,
                    color = 1,
                marker = {
                    enable = true,
                    color = { r = 196, g = 136, b = 77, a = 150 }
                items = {
                    skins = {
                            item = "skin_deer_ruined",
                            chance = 70,
                            maxQuantity = 1,
                            item = "skin_deer_low",
                            chance = 50,
                            maxQuantity = 1,
                            item = "skin_deer_medium",
                            chance = 30,
                            maxQuantity = 1,
                            item = "skin_deer_good",
                            chance = 25,
                            maxQuantity = 1,
                            item = "skin_deer_perfect",
                            chance = 5,
                            maxQuantity = 1,
                    meat = {
                            item = "raw_meat",
                            chance = 100,
                            maxQuantity = 10,
                    extra = { -- rare items
                            item = "deer_horn",
                            chance = 30,
                            maxQuantity = 1,



-- _____  _
-- / ____|| |
-- | (___  | |__    ___   _ __   ___
-- \___ \ | '_ \  / _ \ | '_ \ / __|
-- ____) || | | || (_) || |_) |\__ \
-- |_____/ |_| |_| \___/ | .__/ |___/
--                      | |
--                      |_|

Config.Shops = {
    ["HuntGear Store"] = {
        coords = vector4(967.6, -2121.12, 30.48, 86.84),
        ped = {
            enable = Config.Target and true or true, -- false the last bool to dont use ped
            model = "s_m_m_ammucountry"
        blip = {
            enable = true,
            type = 59,
            scale = 0.7,
            color = 5,
        useDrawText = true,
        items = {
            sell = {
                    item = "skin_deer_ruined",
                    price = 250,
                    label = "Tattered Deer Pelt"

                    item = "skin_deer_low",
                    price = 500,
                    label = "Worn Deer Pelt"

                    item = "skin_deer_medium",
                    price = 700,
                    label = "Supple Deer Pelt"

                    item = "skin_deer_good",
                    price = 1200,
                    label = "Prime Deer Pelt"

                    item = "skin_deer_perfect",
                    price = 2250,
                    label = "Flawless Deer Pelt"

            buy = {
                    item = "huntingbait",
                    label = "hunting Bait",
                    price = 250,
                    item = "campfire",
                    label = "Campfire",
                    price = 750,
                    item = "animal_tracker",
                    label = "Animal Tracker",
                    price = 10050,


-- __  __  _            _
-- |  \/  |(_)          (_)
-- | \  / | _  ___  ___  _   ___   _ __   ___
-- | |\/| || |/ __|/ __|| | / _ \ | '_ \ / __|
-- | |  | || |\__ \\__ \| || (_) || | | |\__ \
-- |_|  |_||_||___/|___/|_| \___/ |_| |_||___/

Config.HuntMaster = {
    coords = vector4(17.04, 3688.28, 38.68, 147.12),
    model = "cs_fabien",
    blip = {
        enable = true,
        name = 'Hunting Missions',
        type = 85,
        scale = 0.8,
        color = 5,
    vehicleSpawn = vector4(10.04, 3679.52, 39.72, 115.0),
    vehicleDeposit = vector3(10.04, 3679.52, 39.72)

Config.Missions = {
        label = "High-Quality Pelts",
        content = "Bring me 10 high-quality deer skins",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-bullseye",
        image = Config.ImagesPath .. "skin_deer_good.png",
        delay = 10, -- wait 10 minutes do another of this mission
        time = 20,  -- minutes
        type = "item",
        id = "mission_1",
        vehicle = {
            enable = false,
            model = "bodhi2",
        requirements = {
                item = "skin_deer_good",
                label = "Prime Deer Pelt",
                quantity = 10
        rewards = {
                item = "money",
                quantity = 5000
        label = "Antler Collection",
        content = "Gather 5 Deer Horns for my collection",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-bullseye",
        image = Config.ImagesPath .. "deer_horn.png",
        delay = 10, -- wait 10 minutes do another of this mission
        time = 25,  -- minutes
        type = "item",
        id = "mission_2",
        vehicle = {
            enable = false,
            model = "bodhi2",
        requirements = {
                item = "deer_horn",
                label = "Deer Horns",
                quantity = 5
        rewards = {
                item = "money",
                quantity = 5000
        label = "Boar Bounty",
        content = "- Catch The boar and bring it to hunt master",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-bullseye",
        image = Config.ImagesPath .. "boar.png",
        delay = 10, -- wait 10 minutes do another of this mission
        time = 10,  -- minutes
        type = "animal",
        id = "mission_3",
        animal = "a_c_boar",
        vehicle = {
            enable = true,
            model = "bodhi2",

        attach = {
            pos = vector3(-0.6, 1.0, -0.5),
            rot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        vehicleAttach = {
            pos = vector3(-1.2, 1.0, 0.8),
            rot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        blip = {
            name = 'Hunt Me',
            type = 1,
            scale = 0.8,
            color = 4,
        spawns = {
            vector3(-1640.24, 4726.76, 53.4),
            vector3(-1166.44, 5068.44, 142.92)
        rewards = {
                item = "money",
                quantity = 5000


Last updated